Corporate Summary

Corporate Name Proterial, Ltd.
Date of Establishment April 10, 1956
Capital ¥310 million(as of end of March 2024)
Representative Sean M. Stack
Representative Director,
Chairman, President, and CEO
Number of Employees as of end of March 2024 Proterial, Ltd., Non-consolidated: 5,759
Proterial Group, Consolidated: 21,456
Revenues, FY2023 Proterial Group, Consolidated: ¥1,033.2 billion
Business Sectors Manufacture and marketing of Specialty Steel, Rolls, Automotive Casting, Magnetic Materials, Power Electronics Materials, Electric Wire & Cable, and Automotive Components

Offices and Facilities

Headquarters Tokyo, Japan
Sales Offices in Japan Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and other major cities
Plants and R&D Facilities 8 works and 4 R&D bases in Osaka, Tottori, Shimane, Saitama, Tochigi, and Ibaraki
International Bases New York, Dusseldorf, London, Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, and other cities

Proterial Company Profile