Environmental Data

  FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019 FY2018
Environmental e-learning attendance rate (%) 99 97 92 - 100
Environmental auditor development training sessions (times) 1 1 1 2 1
Sales of key environmentally conscious products (millions of yen) 250,765 200,121 163,004 178,479 213,980
Sales ratio of key environmentally conscious products (%) 22.4 21.2 21.4 20.2 20.9
Energy consumption converted into crude oil (kl/year) 966,617 1,011,641 915,129 1,035,053 1,109,813
CO2 emissions (thousands of tons of CO2/year)*1 1,913 2,216 1,995 2,319 2,630
CO2 emissions per production unit (tons of CO2/million yen) 1.71 2,351 2.619 2.631 2.57
Total waste and valuables generated (thousands of tons/year) 758 824 761 879 1,004
Waste and valuables generated per production unit (thousands of tons/million yen) 0.677 0.824 0.999 0.974 0.981
Recycling rate (%) 81.0 77.4 76.7 74.6 78.2
Recycling volume (tons) 634,633 615,212 568,586 641,068 768,687
Final disposal volume (tons) 149,052 180,075 172,688 218,456 214,763
Number of business offices achieving zero emissions (final disposal rate below 0.5%)*2 17 14 19 17 14
Water consumption (thousands of m3) 14,737 11,602 11,349 12,186 13,391
Water consumption per production unit (thousands of m3/million yen)*3 13.171 12.307 14.901 13.826 13.085
Amount of chemical substances released into the atmosphere (tons) 182 86 88 235 268
  1. *1In Japan, the power company CO2 emissions coefficient is based on the "power supplier emissions coefficient," announced by the Ministry of the Environment, while outside Japan, it is based on the 2008 IEA "country-specific conversion coefficient."
  2. *2As of fiscal 2011, the definition of "zero emissions" is a final disposal rate below 0.5%.
  3. *3Water per production unit = (Water consumption) ÷ (Volume of activity: Numerical values indicating the scale of business activities, such as sales volume and production volume)