Proterial Group Codes of Conduct

Always Act with Integrity

The corporate philosophy of the Proterial Group promotes our Mission: "Make the best quality available to everyone", Vision: "Leading sustainability by high performance", and Values: "Unfaltering integrity" and "United by respect".
The "Proterial Group Codes of Conduct" provides support to the officers and employees in their decision making and stipulates the actions they should take to realize this corporate philosophy and to fulfill our social responsibilities.
The officers and employees of the Proterial Group pledge to fully understand and comply with the Proterial Group Codes of Conduct, and to always base their actions on the principle of integrity.

1. A Company that Contributes to Society

  1. 1We will contribute to resolving social issues by promoting innovative solutions, accelerating collaborative creation with partners and stakeholders, and further integrating social and environmental responsibility into our business activities.
  2. 2We will strive to develop technologies that contribute to social development and use them with due consideration of their impact on society.
  3. 3We envision a decarbonized society, a resource-recycling society, and an ecosystem preservation society. To this end, we will endeavor to reduce CO2 emissions, use water and other resources efficiently, and minimize impacts on natural capital throughout our value chain.
  4. 4As a corporate citizen, we will make efforts to build rapport with communities and contribute to their development by working together to resolve social issues.

2. Sincere and Fair Business Activities

2.1 Fair Trading

  1. 1To ensure fair and open competition, we will observe the fundamental rules of trade, including domestic and overseas competition laws and regulations, and act in compliance with legislation and sound corporate ethics.
  2. 2We will have no relationship whatsoever with antisocial forces anywhere in the world, and resolutely reject involvement in improper or antisocial transactions.
  3. 3Should we become aware of business-related information that could possibly correspond to undisclosed important information (insider information) concerning business partners, including customers and procurement partners, we will not leak this information to any third parties or trade the shares of said business partners until the information is officially disclosed.
  4. 4We strictly prohibit and will have no involvement in illicit acts including bribery, corruption or money laundering. We will neither give or receive gifts nor extend or accept invitations to business entertainment beyond socially accepted limits, as we recognize that such practices can foster corruption. When working with political entities, we will build and maintain sound and transparent relationships.
  5. 5We will help maintain international peace and security through compliance with all applicable laws and regulations concerning import and export, and will operate appropriately according to our internal rules and policies.
  6. 6We will comply with applicable laws, respect social cultures and practices, and act sincerely and fairly in countries and regions where we have operations. Furthermore, we will do so guided by international norms and standards even in areas where legislation is not adequately enforced.

2.2 Relationships with Procurement Partners

  1. 1With a global vision, and mindful of the long-term perspective, we will find qualified procurement partners and build fair, equal and close partnerships with them, working together to build mutual understanding and trust.
  2. 2In selecting procurement partners, we will thoroughly review the quality, reliability, delivery time, and price of the materials they provide as well as their business stability and technological capability. We will give due consideration to their adoption of social responsibility practices, including the abolishment of human right infringements and unfair discrimination, and environment-related initiatives.
  3. 3We will not accept any personal benefits from procurement partners in procurement transactions.

2.3 Relationships with Customers

  1. 1We will provide products and services that meet the needs and requirements of our customers, complying with relevant laws and standards and ensuring quality and safety by setting additional standards of our own when necessary.
  2. 2We will communicate with customers sincerely, address defects and customer complaints quickly and in good faith, and strive to determine causes in order to eliminate them and prevent recurrence.
  3. 3In the event we are unable to, or there is a possibility that we are unable to, fulfill the specifications required by the customer, we will promptly communicate the facts to the customer, consult with them, and address the situation in good faith.

3. Respect for Human Rights

  1. 1We will promote our understanding of internationally recognized human rights, and will respect and not infringe on the human rights of all those involved in the business activities of the Proterial Group.
  2. 2We will implement human rights due diligence appropriate to the social circumstances of the countries and regions where we have operations and the nature of our businesses, products, and services there.
  3. 3We will assess and prevent potential violations of human rights. In the event of such a violation, we will promptly take internal and external actions to correct and remedy the situation.
  4. 4We will respect individual human rights in the recruitment and treatment of employees and during all other company activities. We will not engage in any acts that may impair individual dignity or discriminate on bases such as sex, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, ideology, belief, religion, social status, family origin, disease, disability.
  5. 5We will hire employees in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations in each country and region, and in accordance with international norms and standards. We will not use child labor that employs children below the minimum working age or forced labor that is against the will of employees.
  6. 6We will strive to resolve issues through sincere and constructive discussion between management and employees, in compliance with the laws, regulations, and labor practices of each country and region, and in accordance with international norms and standards.

4. Building a Work Environment That Brings Out Employee Strengths

  1. 1Prioritizing health and safety above all else, we will strive to ensure the safety of employees and the workplace. In addition, we will promote the physical and mental health of employees and their families.
  2. 2We will support flexible work styles and respect diverse values, creating workplaces that provide employees with a sense of accomplishment and personal growth, and we will promote the sustainable growth of the organization and individuals.
  3. 3We will invest in educational programs to help employees expand their capabilities and exercise their strengths. Supervisors will fairly and appropriately support, guide, and educate their employees to develop their abilities.

5. Information Management and Communication

  1. 1We will promote the ethical handling of information, so as to ensure respect for human rights and security, through the proper management of personal information based on our Personal Information Protection Policy.
  2. 2We will properly manage and protect confidential information related to our business activities in compliance with domestic and international laws and regulations as well as our internal rules and policies.
  3. 3In order to maintain and expand our trusting relationship with the Proterial Group's diverse stakeholders, we will actively disclose information, and respond to stakeholders responsibly through dialogue and other means of communication.

6. Protection of Intellectual Property and Brand

  1. 1We will protect our own intellectual property, respect third-party intellectual property, and use both effectively for smooth business operations.
  2. 2We will manage our own and third-party confidential information by importance and manage and handle it appropriately based on this ranking.
  3. 3We will protect and enhance the value of the Proterial Brand, recognizing it as an important management asset.

7. Securing Corporate Assets

We will use all our corporate assets only for business activities and other appropriate purposes, and manage them properly to protect their value.

8. Risk Management

We will actively forecast risks that will impact business activities, and implement necessary measures to prevent, avoid and alleviate the emergence of these risks. We will make concerted efforts throughout the Proterial Group to secure employee safety and business continuity in case of disasters and threats such as earthquakes, tsunamis and floods, cyberattacks, and terrorism.

9. Responsibilities of Employees

Employees shall pledge to act honestly in compliance with the Codes of Conduct and based on integrity. If they become aware of any non-compliant activity, they shall immediately report to their manager, the related department or via the internal reporting system.

10. Responsibilities of Officers

Officers shall take the initiative to comply with the Codes of Conduct and make their best efforts to conduct business based on integrity, corporate ethics and the law. In the event of violation of the Codes of Conduct, top managers shall swiftly take corrective measures and actions to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, while at the same time strictly disciplining themselves as well as those involved in the violation.

Supplementary Provisions to the Proterial Group Codes of Conduct

The Proterial Group Codes of Conduct shall apply to all officers and employees of Proterial, Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
Each subsidiary shall streamline its organizational structure and systems (e.g. internal reporting system, disciplinary system, etc.) to comply with the Proterial Group Codes of Conduct. In the event of any violation, disciplinary action shall be taken in accordance with the related rules and internal procedures.

Formulated: September 17, 2010
Revised: January 5, 2023